Diab Hero LGC 2023

We at Diab offer industry-leading competence and the broadest range of stronger, lighter, smarter materials. Since our start over 70 years ago, we have developed, improved, and fine-tuned the technology. Now we are on an ambitious journey to fully embrace a circular economy creating a whole new level of sustainability.

Going Circular

Learn more about sustainability and the circular economy with Per Hökfelt, Diab’s Vice President Sustainability & QEHS.

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Sustainable Structural Core Materials

Considering heightened environmental consciousness and regulatory scrutiny, the search for sustainable structural core materials has become a paramount concern for manufacturers worldwide.

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Advanced kits make marine applications lighter and more sustainable

Combining sandwich composite core with advanced kitting contributes to a more sustainable marine industry and add substantial value to your application.

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Sustainable applications in different industries

Using sustainable core materials and innovative manufacturing processes allows for developing renewable energy solutions with a lower environmental impact.

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Guide: How to find the most sustainable core for your application

Download our guide how to find the most sustainable core for your application


The circular economy is all about reducing and recycling

A circular business model reduces the use of material and energy resources and redesigns materials

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Science-Based Targets: The Key to a Sustainable Future

The global community is facing a daunting challenge in the form of climate change, and urgent action is required to mitigate its impact.

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Are post-consumer plastics limiting the use of post-industry plastics for recycling?

It's time to upgrade post-industry plastics as a fully viable sustainable alternative

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At Diab sustainability is in our core


Sustainability is one of our top business priorities and we strive to further improve our performance.

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About Diab

About us

A leader of foam core materials and sandwich technology development with an excellent track record.

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